
Never a Straight Line seeks articles and posts about anything and everything that strikes you as odd, entertaining or unusual. Submissions are assessed by our editorial team and the focus is, quite simply, on whether our readers will enjoy your writing. Never a Straight Line seeks to entertain not to upset. Please remember that your words might be read globally.

Submissions need to be 1000 words in length, give or take a bit, and a couple of photographs would help. One thing is for sure, articles in Never a Straight Line are true. No fiction, please. We work on the basis that authors take responsibility for everything they write.

Please send your submissions to:

With your submission please also tell us/provide:

  • Who you are
  • A brief bio to accompany your piece (no more than 100 words)
  • Your photo
  • Your contact details – town, country and email address

Now please get writing! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Never a Straight Line Editorial Team